WE NEED ART is a series of video works about the importance of art and the necessity of its existence. WE NEED ART was published on TARGET social media platforms during fall 2022 and shown in a movie screening in TARGET party (Theatre Viirus 17.12.2022). The series of works is realized together with guest artists representing different art fields convened by the TARGET ensemble. TARGET Podcast season 2 complements the video series with discussions with the guest artist on the chosen topics.

EQUALS from TARGET Helsinki on Vimeo.

The final short of the WE NEED ART series highlights the importance of empathy and the power of walking alongside.

Equals korostaa empatian merkitystä ja rinnalla kulkemisen voimaa.

Idea and directors: Noora Geagea, Elina Häyrynen and Natasha Lommi

Producers: Elina Häyrynen and Natasha Lommi

Choreography and dance: Elina Häyrynen and Natasha Lommi

Music and sound design: Josu Mämmi and Aino Juutilainen

Camera: Noora Geagea

Editing: Noora Geagea

Costume and make up design: Kaisu Hölttä

MOSS AND CHILL from TARGET Helsinki on Vimeo.

11 short interpretations of the relationship with nature. 

11 lyhyttä tulkintaa luontosuhteesta.

FRAMED from TARGET Helsinki on Vimeo.

FRAMED is an embodiment of a painting in which the image becomes flesh and the atmosphere turns physical. FRAMED spills out and strives against. Out of the limited. FRAMED is also a tribute to Siiri Haarla’s artistic work. It’s about inspiration and dialogue between artforms and artists.

FRAMED is part of a dance film series WE NEED ART (2022) by TARGET Helsinki.

FRAMED on maalauksen ruumiillistuminen. Siinä kuva muuttuu lihalliseksi ja tunnelma keholliseksi. FRAMED valuu ulos ja pyristelee vastaan. Pois rajatusta. FRAMED on myös kunnianosoitus Siiri Haarlan taiteelliselle työlle ja kertoo taiteesta vaikuttumisesta sekä taiteenlajien ja taiteilijoiden välisestä dialogista.

FRAMED on osa TARGET Helsinki ensemblen WE NEED ART tanssielokuvasarjaa (2022).